Copyright and related

Copyright and related
Intellectual Property is one of the matters that require the greatest protection today. The advancement of new technologies and the Internet obliges the creators of literary, artistic or scientific works to protect their work in order to prove their ownership.
Intellectual Property includes all original literary, artistic or scientific creations expressed by any means or support, as well as the related rights of artists, producers and other groups.
The Intellectual, is a special type of property in which they find protection from the literary work to the computer program, passing through the performances of the artists.
Suitable protection
- Assignment of exploitation rights, use and image licenses.
- Literary and musical publishing contracts, audiovisual and phonographic production, software development and web pages, plastic work, among others
- Confidentiality agreements and Know-How, exploitation of formats, audiovisuals and phonograms, among others.
offers a comprehensive service in which a complete team of technicians and lawyers work together to protect copyright and related rights (Artists, Performers and Performers) offering comprehensive advice in defense of these from their creation to their registration, as well as its subsequent maintenance and defense.
Literary, artistic and scientific works are subject to intellectual property, including: books, brochures, speeches, addresses and any other works of the same nature; musical compositions, dramatic and dramatico-musical works; choreographies and, in general, theatrical, cinematographic and any other audiovisual works; sculptures and works of painting, drawing, engraving, lithography and graphic comics, comics or comics and other plastic works, whether applied or not; designs of architectural and engineering works, computer programs, etc.
We carry out all the necessary procedures for the registration of your work, as well as draft all kinds of related contracts, such as the assignment of exploitation rights, use and image licenses; contracts for literary and musical publishing, audiovisual and phonographic production, development of software and web pages, plastic works, confidentiality agreements and Know How, exploitation of formats, audiovisuals and phonograms, etc., up to the exercise of actions in defense of rights of our clients before Courts and Arbitration Courts.
Likewise, we advise on matters of negotiations with third parties and Management Entities (SGAE, DAMA, AIE, AGEDI, AISGE, EGEDA, VEGAP, CEDRO).
Our specialization includes legal advice in cases of conflict of the fundamental right to literary, artistic, scientific or technical production and creation, but also freedom of expression and/or freedom of information, with the fundamental right to one’s own image.
Plagiarism is everything that involves copying works in whole or in part, claiming to be their original author.
Piracy is nothing more than the illegal and intentional sale of works protected by copyright, among the most frequent today we find computer programs, music, video games, movies, etc.
Fernández–Palacios Abogados offers solutions and action planning that guarantee the protection of your intellectual property rights such as sending requirements to infringers to cease their actions, negotiations with the infringer and the exercise of civil and criminal actions in defense of their rights.
Likewise, our Office uses the Customs Intervention request system in order to paralyze and destroy any merchandise from countries outside the European Union that may infringe Intellectual Property rights.
Litigation and arbitration

Company and continuous and personalized follow-up in relation to preliminary, judicial and arbitration controversies before Courts and Organizations, both national and international.
Thanks to our team of professionals with more than 20 years of experience, together with a vast support network of professionals, academics and international collaborators, we seek to offer the best defense.
We start from the base of finding the best possible agreement for both parties, protecting our clients and saving unnecessary, economic and temporary expenses.
Legal advice

We have a multidisciplinary Department in order to provide our clients with comprehensive advice, which includes the drafting and negotiation of all types of contracts related to our disciplines, such as contracts for the assignment of exploitation rights, use and image licences, literary and musical publishing, audiovisual and phonographic production, software development and web pages, plastic works, confidentiality agreements and Know How, exploitation of formats, audiovisuals and phonograms, etc.
Compliance (regulatory compliance) guarantees the company and all its staff that they comply with the applicable regulations, preventing and avoiding any illegal conduct, as well as the sanctions and responsibilities provided by the Law in case of non-compliance.
Fernández-Palacios collaborate with each company to identify the applicable regulations and whose compliance must be ensured, as well as to establish those policies, strategies and controls that are considered relevant.